Private Practice
AURÉLIE ATHAN, PH.D. is a Columbia University affiliated and trained Licensed Psychologist
with a specialization in Reproductive Psychology across the lifespan.
To discuss options or make an appointment contact her here.
Dr. Athan works individually with women actively exploring "if/when/how" to become a mother and their psychological journey through the early transition to parenthood. She also supports ongoing family transitions as children age and parents naturally experience shifts in their own development. The professional growth of women and mothers within work life is also a focused area of support.
Dr. Athan provides supervision to professionals who work in the field of maternity and are seeking guidance with how to optimally and sensitively assist the mothers in their care. She also consults with schools or parents interested in designing reproductive literacy programs for young adults. Training in the form of seminars, lectures, workshops and online webinars are available.
brief coaching OR In-depth psychotherapy for individuals seeking support with reproductive transitions & beyond.
Preconception decision-making, family life planning, and infertility journeys
Experiences with diverse reproductive pathways: IVF, surrogacy, adoption and step-children
Women/mothers in mid-life transition with identity and creativity challenges
Work-life considerations and career development while parenting
Supervision and consultation is available to individuals or organization caring for mothers.
Supervision for maternal care practitioners (professionals & para-professionals/mental health & non mental health*)
Consultation for individuals and organizations seeking to strengthen programming, services, or research agendas
Consultation to schools seeking to incorporate reproductive identity & literacy into their sexual health curriculum
*OBGYNs, nurses/midwives, doulas, childbirth educators, lactation consultants, pre/postnatal health instructors, wellness coaches and other related professions and fields working to improve wellbeing in mothers
Training via workshops, lectures, presentations on matrescence and REPRODUCTIVE IDENTITY to your community.
Reproductive identity & literacy for pre-teens, adolescents, and emerging adults
Matrescence and the transition to motherhood: risk and resilience
Mid-life identity development and creativity in women/mothers over 40
Maternal mental health training for medical residency programs and nursing education